Revues académiques
Cette salle de notre bibliothèque abrite les travaux de chercheurs contemporains faisant référence explicitement à l’anthropologie chrétienne dans leurs travaux académiques en sciences de gestion.
L’anthropologie chrétienne est également présente dans les travaux de recherche académique sur l’entreprise. Voici quelques références dans les revues académiques en management :
Albareda, L., & Sison, A. J. G. (2020). Commons organizing: Embedding common good and institutions for collective action. Insights from ethics and economics. Journal of Business Ethics, 166(4), 727–743.
Abela A.V. (2001). Profit and more : Catholic Social Teaching and the purpose of the form, Journal of Business Ethics, 31(2) : 107-116.
Acevedo, A. 2012. Personalist Business ethics and humanistic management : insights from Jacques Maritain. Journal of Business Ethics, 105: 197-219.
Argandona, A. (1998). The stakeholder Theory and the common good. Journal of Business Ethics, 17(9-10) : 1093-1102.
Arjoon, S., Turriago-Hoyos, A., Thoene, U. (2018). Virtuousness and the common good as a conceptual framework for harmonizing the goals of the individual, organizations, and the economy. Journal of Business Ethics, 147 (1):143-163.
Baviera, T., English, W., Guillen, M. 2016. The ‘logic of gift’ : inspiring behavior in organizations beyond the limits of duty and exchange. Business Ethics Quarterly, 26:2, 159-180.
Bruni, L. et Smerilli, A. (2009). The Value of Vocation. The Crucial Role of Intrinsically Motivated People in Value-based Organisations. Review of Social Economy, vol. LXVII, n°3 : 271-288.
Caldwell, C., D.X. Truong, P.T. Linh and A. Tuan (2011). Strategic Human Resource Management as Ethical Stewardship, Journal of Business Ethics, 98(1) : 171-182.
Carswell, P. and Rolland, D. (2004). The role of religion in Entrepreneuship participation and perception. International Journal of entrepreneurship and small business, 1(3/4) : 280-286.
Cavanagh, G.F., Moberg, D.J., Velasquez, M. (1995). Making business ethics practical. Business Ethics Quaterly, 5 : 399-418.
Cornwall, J.R. and M.J. Naughton (2003), ‘Who is the Good Entrepreneur? An Exploration within the Catholic Social Tradition’, Journal of Business Ethics 44(1/2), 61‐75.
De George, R.T. (1986). Theological Ethics and Business Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 5(6) : 421-432.
De Peyrelongue, B., Masclef, O. & Guillard V. (2017). The need to give gratuitously: a relevant concept anchored in Catholic Social Teaching to envision the consumer behavior, Journal of Business Ethics, 145(4): 739-755.
Dodd, S.D. and G. Gotsis (2007). Labour is Holy but Business is Dangerous: Enterprise Values from the Church Fathers to the Reformation. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 15(2) : 133-163.
Dyck, B. and D. Schroeder (2005). Management, Theology and Moral Points of View: Towards an Alternative to the Conventional Materialist-individualist Ideal-type of Management. Journal of Management Studies, 42(4) : 705-735.
Ezvan, C., Langhor, P. (2022). Conditions for mission-led companies to humanize the economy: An Aristotelian perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, DOI:10.1111/
Fontrodona, J. & Sison, A.J.G. (2006). The nature of the firm, Agency theory and shareholder theory : a critique from philosophical anthropology. Journal of Business Ethics, 66(1) : 33-42.
Foote, D. (2001). The Question of Ethical Hypocrisy in Human Resource Management in the U.K. and Irish Charity Sectors. Journal of Business Ethics, 34(1) : 25-38.
Frémeaux, S. (2020) A Common Good Perspective on Diversity. Business Ethics Quarterly 30(2), 200 228.
Frémeaux S., Puyou, F.-R. & Michelson, G. (2020). Beyond accountants as technocrats: A common good perspective, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 67-68, 1-14.
Frémeaux, S., Grevin, A., and R. Sferrazzo (2022). Developing a Culture of Solidarity Through a Three-Step Virtuous Process: Lessons from Common Good-Oriented Organizations, Journal of Business Ethics,
Frémeaux, S., Henry, F. (2023). Entrepreneurs’ deep aspirations and meaningful work, Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, 22 (1), 29-56.
Frémeaux, S., & Pavageau, B. (2022). Meaningful Leadership: How Can Leaders Contribute to Meaningful Work? Journal of Management Inquiry, 31(1), 54-66.
Frémeaux, S., Vögtlin, C. (2023). Strengthening Deliberation in Business: Learning From Aristotle’s Ethics of Deliberation, Business and Society, 62 (4), 824-859.
Fremeaux, S. & Michelson, G. (2017). The Common Good of the Firm and Humanistic Management: Conscious Capitalism and Economy of Communion, Journal of Business Ethics, 145 (4): 701-709.
Gomez, P.-Y. (2009). Le Pape et le gestionnaire. Pourquoi il faut lire l’encyclique Caritas in veritate. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, n° 237-238(3): 1–4. Lien vers l’article.
Graafland, J., M. Kapstein and C.M. van der Duijn Schouten (2007). Conceptions of God, Normative Convictions, and Socially Responsible Business Conduct: An Explorative Study Among Executives. Business and Society, 46(3) : 331-369.
Guitián, G. (2009), Conciliating Work and Family: A Catholic Social Teaching Perspective, Journal of Business Ethics, 88(3) : 513-524.
Guitián, G. ( 2014), ‘Service as a bridge between ethical principles and business practice: a Catholic Social Teaching Perspective’, Journal of Business Ethics.
Herman, S.W. (2004). Christian business ethics on the employment relation : mapping the terrain. Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, 5 : 37-53.
Kleymann, B. & Malloch, H. (2010). The rule of Saint Benedict and corporate management: employing the whole person, Journal of Global Responsibility, 1(2) : 207-224.
Longenecker, J.G., McKinney, J.A. and Moore, C.W. (2004). Religious intensity, evangelical Christianity, and Business Ethics : an empirical Study. Journal of Business Ethics, 55(4) : 373-386.
López, J. (2022). Vulnerability, perfection and Christian education. Journal of Disability & Religion, DOI: 10.1080/23312521.2022.2078760.
Martins N.O. (2021). Adam Smith and Catholic Social Teaching. Journal of Business Ethics, 170(2), 401-411.
Melé D. (2021). Ethics at the workplace in the fourth industrial revolution: A Catholic social teaching perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 30(4), 772-783.
Melé, D. (2003). Organizational Humanizing Cultures: Do They Generate Social Capital ? Journal of Business Ethics, 45(1/2) : 3-14.
Melé, D. (2005). Exploring the principle of subsidiarity in Organizational forms. Journal of Business Ethics, 60(3) : 293-305.
Melé D. (2009). Integrating personalism into virtue-based business ethics : the personalist and the common good principles, Journal of Business Ethics, 88 :227-244.
Melé D. (2009). The view and purpose of the firm in Freeman’s stakeholder theory, Philosophy of Management, 8(3): 3-13.
Melé, D. (2010). Practical wisdom in managerial decision-making, Journal of Management Development, 29(7-8) : 637-645.
Melé D. (2012). The firm as a community of persons : a pillar of humanistic business ethos. Journal of Business Ethics, 106(1) : 89-101.
Melé, D. & Sánchez-Runde, C. (2011). Towards an holistic understanding of management, Journal of Management Development, 30(6) : 544-547.
Melé, D., Argandoña, A., Sánchez-Runde, C. (2011). Facing the crisis: Toward a new humanistic synthesis for business, Journal of Business Ethics, 99 : 1-4.
Melé, D. & Naughton, M. (2012). The encyclical-letter Caritas in Veritate : ethical challenges for business, Journal of Business Ethics, 100(1) : 1-7.
Melé, D. & Fontrodona, J. (2017). Christian ethics and spirituality in leading business organizations: editorial introduction, 145(4): 671-679.
Mercier, G. & Deslandes, G., (2017). There are no codes, only interpretations. Practical wisdom and hermeneutics in monastic organizations, Journal of Business Ethics, 145(4): 781-794.
Naughton, M. & Cornwall, J.R. (2006). The Virtue of Courage in Entrepreneurship: Engaging the Catholic Social Tradition and the Life-Cycle of the Business, Business Ethics Quarterly, 16, 69–93.
Naughton, M. and J. R. Cornwall (2009), ‘Culture as the Basis of The Good Entrepreneur’, Journal of Religion & Business Ethics 1(1), 1‐13.
Naugthon, M. (2006), ‘The Corporation as a Community of Work: Understanding the Firm Within the Catholic Social Tradition’, Ave Maria Law Journal 4(1), 33‐75.
Newstead, T., Dawkins, S., Macklin, R., & Martin, A. (2020). We don’t need more leaders – we need more good leaders. advancing a virtues-based approach to leader (ship) development. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5), 1–11.
Newstead, T., Dawkins, S., Macklin, R., & Martin, A. (2020). The Virtues Project: An Approach to Developing Good Leaders, Journal of Business Ethics, 167(4), 605–622.
O’Brien, T. (2009). Reconsidering the common good in a business context, Journal of Business Ethics, 85(1) : 25-37.
Rossouw, G. J (1994), ‘Business Ethics: Where Have All the Christians Gone?’, Journal of Business Ethics 13(7), 557‐570.
Ryan, M.R. (2018). Teaching the common good in business ethics: a case study approach, Journal of Business Ethics, 147: 693-704.
Sandelands, L. (2003). The Argument for God from Organization Studies. Journal of Management Inquiry, 12(2) : 168-177.
Sandelands, L. (2009). The Business of Business is the Human Person: Lessons from the Catholic Social Tradition. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(1) : 93-101.
Sandelands, L.E. (2017). The real mystery of positive business : a response from christian faith. Journal of Business Ethics, 145(4): 771-780.
Schwartz, M.S. (2006). God as a Managerial Stakeholder. Journal of Business Ethics, 66(2/3) : 291-306.
Sison, A.J.G. (2007). Toward a common good theory of the firm : The Tasubinsa case. Journal of Business Ethics, 74(4) : 471-480.
Sison, A.J.G. & Fontrodona, J. (2012). The common good of the firm in the aristotalian-thomistic tradition. Business Ethics Quarterly, 22(2) : 211-246.
Sison, A.J.G. & Fontrodona, J. (2013). Participating in the common good. Journal of Business Ethics, 113(4) : 611-625.
Sison, A.J., Ferrero, F., & Guitian, G. 2016. Human dignity and the dignity of work: insights from Catholic Social Teaching. Business Ethics Quarterly, 26(4): 503-528.
Troilo, M. (2011). Caritas in Veritate, Hybrid firms and institutional arrangements. Journal of Markets & Morality, 14(1) : 23-24.
Wren, D. A ( 2000), ‘Medieval or Modern? A Scholastic’s View of Business Ethics, circa 1430′, Journal of Business Ethics 28/2(28), 109‐119.
Wolcott, G. (2018). The rehabilitation of Adam Smith for catholic social teaching, Journal of Business Ethics, 149: 57-82.
Numéro Spécial « Faits religieux et management ». RIMHE : Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme(s) & Entreprise, n° 13, 2014/4, Éditeur : ARIMHE, pages : 122. Cliquer ici pour voir les articles du numéro.